Friday 23 April 2010

What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product?

To create my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread i used a total of four programmes, these are internet explorer, paint, photoshop and the main one was indesign. I used internet explorer for experimenting with the fonts i used, to do this i went onto the website Once i had chosen the font i moved on to use paint to edit the font, i copied the font off of the website and added colour to it in paint and cropped it. I used photoshop to edit the photos i took for the magazine, to fit the photos into the magazine pages i cut the photo out of the background and added it to a new document minus the background so they were able to be layered into the pages easier. The main programme i used was indesign and this was to create the magazine pages, the main tools i used in this programme was the layer button, each time i added something i created a new layer to make it easier to edit later in the production phase, there was the box button i used alot because each time i added anything i had to add a box so i could insert either the text or image into it. other tools i used were the colour tools to change the colours of the back grounds and text on the pages.

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